During these weeks you will learn the basics of Kendo, be offered the opportunity of purchasing your own gear and compete in minor competitions. This Beginners’ Course is open to all, including non-students.
Start Date: Monday 10 March
Time: 6:00pm — 7:30pm
Venue: Murdoch University Sports & Recreation Centre
Parking: Parking is available in Murdoch University Car Park 4
Cost: $300 The first week is free to try, fees are due in the second week
Duration: 12 Weeks
What’s Included: Kendo Uniform, shinai (bamboo sword), shinai bag
Attire: Loose fitting clothes is a good idea (something you are comfortable moving around in), and please note that we train in bare feet.
The course will run every Monday 6:00pm — 7:30pm and Wednesday, 7pm — 8:30pm
Sign Up Now!Beginners’ Course EOI
Sign up below if you are interested in a beginners course in the future, which has not yet been planned.
We will also remind you closer to the course start date.
To sign up for the current beginners’ course on offer, click the “sign up now” button above.
About the Beginner’s Course
Our beginner’s course is designed to do several things:
Provide an introduction to the sport, and a little background to the martial art.
Provide each student with a basic understanding of some of the basic moves (such as footwork, strikes, exercises, etc).
Prepare each student to join the main training with the rest of the club.
Prepare each student by providing some basic tools they can use for their own personal development.
Beyond the Course
After the beginner’s course, the next step in the journey will involve:
Getting your own equipment
A bogu set will cost upwards of $500, depending on the quality (entry level bogu is usually still very good and can last 2-4 years).
Attending more training sessions
Murdoch Kendo Club trains on Monday and Wednesday 7pm – 9pm. As a WAKR member, you may also visit and train at other clubs on other days.
Membership fees
There is an annual club fee, as well as an annual West Australian Kendo
Renmei (WAKR) fee. The current fee structure can be found here.
Paying these fees
means you will be covered for insurance, grants you access to train at
other Kendo clubs in Australia for free, and enables you to enter
official events such as competitions and grading.
Competitions and grading
One of the perks of becoming a WAKR member is your
eligibility to compete, and attend grading.
The journey from the kyu
ranks (under black belt) through to shodan (1st level black belt)
usually takes between 3 to 5 years.
There are many local competitions in
WA, catering both beginners and experienced, as well as two national
competitions (the Australian Kendo Championships and the Australian
University Games).